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Plot Package

Revision History


November 19, 2000

Original reslease of my Plot package.

November 20, 2000

Added a square plot symbol. Added the ability to colorize contour lines by contour level. Added plot line colors. Added the ability to change the plot symbols and line colors a run at a time or a run list at a time in addition to a point at a time. Added the ability to create a SimpleXYPlot from an existing run list. Fixed a bug in GenerateContour that occured when the cancel method was called.

November 24, 2000

Fixed a bug in the GenerateContour constructors that take 1D X & Y arrays.

December 2, 2000

Added the ability to draw the vertical axis label rotated 90 degrees.

January 2, 2001

Added 20 new plot symbols.

January 10, 2001

Fixed a bug that occured if all the data plotted was exactly equal to 0.0.

April 25, 2002

Fixed an axis scaling bug that occured in certain circumstances when plotting a single array of values that all have the same values.

Created: November 19 2000
Modified: June 8, 2002