
The Dutch Girl Album

This archive contains scans of photos contained in the "Dutch Girl" Huwaldt Family Photo Album. These photos date from the mid-19th to the early-20th Century and the originals are kept by Susan K. (Huwaldt) Wattier. Most of the individuals in the photos have not been identified at this time. If you have information about anyone pictured in this archive, please contact Joe Huwaldt or Susan Wattier using the contact information below. We'd love to hear about it!

This archive was prepared in such a way as to preserve as much information in the original photos as possible. The images were each carefully removed from the album pages and scanned at 600 dpi (suitable for "photo-quality" color prints). The images were generally cropped to the edge of the card the photo was mounted on in order to preserve information about the photographer, if present, and the style of the card the photo is held in. No other "enhancements" were made to the scanned images: they were not color corrected, were not sharpened, or touched up in any way. Finally, the images were saved in TIFF format with LZW compression (IBM PC byte ordering). This is a lossless file format that can be read by a wide range of programs, but results in large file sizes. The original images, held by Joe Huwaldt and Susan Wattier on CD-ROM were then converted to JPEG for creating this web archive. If you want access to the original scans, please let us know.

The photos are named and ordered according to the order that they appeared in the original album. The file names for the images use the following convention: "a2p10as1.jpg" means album #2 (the Dutch Girl Album, #1 is the Blue Album), page 10, photo "a" (a, b, c, or d for multiple photos per page), side 1, JPEG format. In addition, some images are named as follows: "a1l10.jpg". This means album #1, loose (not attached to a page), loose image #10, JPEG format.


Joe Huwaldt: jhuwaldt[at]mac[dot]com


Susan Wattier: idleacre[at]earthlink[dot]net


Click on a picture to enlarge it.

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Album Cover Album Cover2 Sample Page a2l01
Album Cover
The "Dutch Girl" photo album has an enameled front cover with a painting of a dutch girl in front of a spinning wheel.
Album Cover2
Another view of the cover scanned at low resolution by Virginia (Robinson) Huwaldt.
Sample Page
A sample page from the album showing the page decoration and layout (300 dpi).
Edward Huwaldt, son of August F. Huwaldt, Grand Island Banker
a2l02 a2l03 a2l04 a2l05
Mary's son & wife (don't know which son).
Irene (Munter) Bruggman
Randolph High School Graduation Picture
Randolph, NE
Fern Munter's sister.
a2l06 a2p01 a2p02 a2p03
Joanna Margarethe (Koppleman) Huwaldt (Mrs. Henry M. Huwaldt).
Baby is Walter with Wilhelm on right.
Original note said Emma on right, but she would have been almost 4 years old when Walter was born. Wilhelm was two.
a2p04 a2p05 a2p06 a2p07
Otto Heinrich Huwaldt's children.
Probably (L to R): Laura J., Dora Bell, Lottie May & Henry F.
William Huwaldt and wife Mary
Note on picture says: Otto Huwaldt Family
Maud, John (?), Laura (?)
Otto, Charlie, & Emily

However, comparison with other known pictures of Otto & Emily doesn't seem to support this identification.
Mary's girl and husband (don't know which daughter).
a2p08 a2p09 a2p10 a2p11
John, Vena (Alvinia Huwaldt), Rohrberg & Baby (probably Lethel Rose).
a2p12 a2p13 a2p14 a2p15
Charles Douglas Lingenfelter
Magdalena (Maud) Lingenfelter
Frank (Benjamen) Lingenfelter (Father)
Nellie Elinor (adopted by family in Michigan -- mother was Otto Huwaldt's daughter Minnie M.).
Nellie married a Blohm and died in Feb. 1977 in Burbank, CA.
Photo taken about 1900 in Burwell, NE.
Charlie & Maud stayed with Otto Huwaldt when mother died.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

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