This archive contains scans of photos
contained in the Burwell Family Photo Album--passed down through
Effie (Burwell) Beaton and Lola Grace (Beaton) Huwaldt. These photos date
from the mid-19th Century and
the originals are kept by Susan K. (Huwaldt) Wattier. Most of the
individuals in the photos have not been identified at this time. If
you have information about anyone pictured in this archive, please
contact Joe Huwaldt or Susan Wattier using the contact information
below. We'd love to hear about it!
This archive was prepared in such a way as to preserve as much
information in the original photos as possible. The images were each
carefully removed from the album pages and scanned at 600 dpi
(suitable for "photo-quality" color prints). The images were
generally cropped to the edge of the card the photo was mounted on in
order to preserve information about the photographer, if present, and
the style of the card the photo is held in. No other "enhancements"
were made to the scanned images: they were not color corrected, were
not sharpened, or touched up in any way. Finally, the images were
saved in TIFF format with LZW compression (IBM PC byte ordering).
This is a lossless file format that can be read by a wide range of
programs, but results in large file sizes. The original images,
held by Joe Huwaldt and Susan Wattier on CD-ROM were then converted
to JPEG for creating this web archive. If you want access to the
original scans, please let us know.
The photos are named and ordered according to the order that they
appeared in the original album. The file names for the images use the
following convention: "p10a.jpg" means page 10, photo "a" indicates the
1st photo on the page, JPEG format.