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Wing Geometry

Revision History


Version 1.0.1 May 20, 2002

Began tracking the revision history for this program. This release was primarily a code cleanup to support the 1st release of the full source code. No functional change over the previous version. Dropped support for MacOS 9 (though it is still availble upon request -- I haven't broken MacOS 9 support yet).

Version 1.1.0 November 6, 2003 Fundamentally changed the algorithm used to locate resources (images, help files, etc) to be more robust, especially on Linux. Otherwise, there are no significant changes over the previous version.
Version 1.2.0 May 22, 2004 Started using a new library that improves MacOS X integration.  As a side-effect, the application on any platform can now have multiple windows open at a time and there is a "Windows" menu that can be used to navigate between all open windows. Switched to a new installer that works with Windows XP.
Version 1.3.0 Jan. 17, 2006 Added a planform view of the wing represented by the values in the text boxes.
Version 1.4.0 July 17, 2011 This is a minor update from the user's point of view that modernizes much of the code base, changes the package used for units, and fixes a number of user interface bugs.  This is also the first release that does not require an installer on Windows and Linux/UNIX.  Finally, this release features a new application icon.
Version 1.5.0 September 11, 2011 This update fixes a unit bug, adds a new parameter (the longitudinal location of the 1/4 chord of the mean aerodynamic chord) and adds some additional calculation methods to the other parameters. This revision also removes the Windows EXE file distributed with the previous version in favor of a double-clickable JAR file (the help methods did not work with the EXE file).
Version 1.5.1 March 24, 2012 This update fixes a bug in the calculation of root chord when the user inputs area, span and tip chord.
Version 1.5.2 June 30, 2012 Fixes a bug that prevented the user from entering numbers that start with a minus sign or a decimal point.
Version 1.6.0 February 4, 2014 This update adds support for saving wing geometry parameters to a file and reading them back in. This allows the user to save off a set of inputs and recall them at a later time. This version now requires Java 1.6 or later.
Version 1.6.1 January 17, 2015 * Fixed a problem that could cause the program to freeze up at certain times, especially under Windows.
* Fixed a bug that prevented the program from running properly on recent versions of MacOS X.
* Improved message strings and corrected an error message that read incorrectly.
* Changed the degree unit symbol to "deg".
* Cleaned up formatting and improved code documentation.
Version 1.7.0 September 21, 2018 * Added the ability to export the wing top-view image to a PNG or SVG (Scaled Vector Graphic) format file.
* This version requires Java 1.7 or later.
Version 1.7.1 October 9, 2020 Fixed a bug with an underlying library (MRJAdapter) that wasn't compatible with recent versions of Java (Java 15 in particular).
Version 1.7.2 December 16, 2023 * Modified to remove the seriously out of date MRJAdapter and Bare Bones Browser Launcher libraries and replaced them with the now standard java.awt.Desktop class.
* Modified MacOS application bundle to work better on modern versions of MacOS.
* The MacOS version has a Java 11 compatible JRE bundled with the application (you do not need to have Java installed to run this version).
Version 1.7.2b February 5, 2025 * Fixed a problem with running on MacOS 15.1. Other OS versions unchanged.


Created: May 21, 2002
Modified: February 5, 2025