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Functional Table Reader

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Table Reader is a Java application that can read n-dimensional functional tables from a variety of file formats and convert between them. In addition, the program allows you to interactively do lookups into the tables and includes a simple plotting capability. The Table Reader program can currently read and write a number of table file formats including, FDA, CSV, NASA 2,3, or 4 argument, OTIS tables, POST & POST II tables, and two different FlightLab SAV file formats. In addition, it can read, but not write, C81 airfoil aerodynamics tables and some S/HABP print files.

FDA stands for "Function Data Handling System ASCII". FDA is the most complete ASCII format that this program supports. It allows for any number of tables per file, with any number of dimensions per table, and it allows for both table level and file level comments (which are currently ignored by the table classes implemented in Table Reader).

CSV stands for "Comma Separated Value". The CSV format is convenient for moving tables to and from Excel, but it requires that all the tables in the file have the exact same set of breakpoints and has only file level notes (not table level) that are contained in 4 lines of header at the start of the file.

The NASA 2,3,or 4 argument table file is a name list format that only works with tables that have dimensions between 2 and 4. It does allow for table level notes, but not file level.

The two supported ART (Advanced Rotorcraft Technology, Inc) FlightLab SAV file formats are the 2D airfoil high/low alpha aerodynamics and the fuselage 2D uniform increment aerodynamics tables. These are very specific formats that are used by ART's FlightLab simulation system and are not used elsewhere. Even the parameter names are hard-coded, so unless you use FlightLab, you aren't going to use these formats. Examples of these four table file formats can be found below.

C81 airfoil aerodynamics tables are data tables used to provide airfoil aerodynamics data to the Bell C81 helicopter simulation system. Table Reader assumes that there are three tables per file and that they are (in order): sectional cl, cd, and cm. Each of these three tables can have a different set of Mach and angle of attack breakpoints.

This program can read and write POST and POST II table files. POST and POST II are trajectory analysis programs developed by Lockheed-Martin and NASA.

This program can read and write OTIS table files. OTIS is a trajectory analysis program developed by Boeing and NASA.

I've included the source code for Table Reader for you to download below. This program and it's source code are free software protected by the General Public License.

Table Reader requires Java 11 or later.

My Table Reader program is available as a double-clickable application under MacOS and as a double-clickable JAR file on Windows, Linux & others. Download the one that is appropriate for your platform. The full source code for any platform is also availabel below. Example table files are included with each of the downloads.

MacOS Application
(41 MB)

Version 1.13.7b

Application that will run under MacOS. You will download a compressed disk image. Should work with MacOS 11.3 or later right out of the box (you do not need to have Java installed).

Windows Application
(2.9 MB)

Version 1.13.7

Double-clickable JAR file that will run on any Windows machine with Java (JRE) 11 or later installed. You will download a ZIP archive that contains a double-clickable JAR archive (that can also be run from the DOS command line).

Linux & Others Application
(3 MB)

Version 1.13.7

Application that will run on several different UNIX or Linux based systems with Java (JRE) 11 or later installed. You will download a GZip compressed tape archive file (TGZ). Inside this you will find a double-clickable JAR file that can also be run from the command line.

Source Code
(184.2 MB)

Version 1.13.7b

Full source code for the Table Reader program including library dependencies. Also includes the JRE that is bundled with the MacOS version.

Change history.

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Created: February 27, 2000
Modified: February 5, 2025