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Supersonic Cone Program

Revision History


February 5, 2025
  • Fixed an issue with running on MacOS 15.1. Other OS versions are unchanged.
November 12, 2024
  • Fixed an error in the calculation of the static density ratio on the surface of the cone.
December 20, 2023
  • Modified to remove the seriously out of date MRJAdapter and Bare Bones Browser Launcher libraries and replaced them with the now standard java.awt.Desktop class.
  • Modified MacOS application bundle to work better on modern versions of MacOS.
  • The MacOS version has a Java 11 compatible JRE bundled with the application (you do not need to have Java installed to run this version).
  • Other minor code improvements.
October 10, 2020
  • Fixed a bug with an underlying library (MRJAdapter) that wasn't compatible with recent versions of Java (Java 15 in particular).
  • Fixed a long-standing problem with the Windows menu getting out of synch with the open windows.
January 11, 2015
  • Fixed a bug that could sometimes occur that would prevent the file dialog from working properly on MacOS X and Linux platforms.
  • Fixed a problem with the application bundle not working on recent versions of MacOS X.
  • Picked up a large number of code cleanups and updated libraries.
June 30, 2012
Fixed a bug that prevented the user from inputting a number that starts with a decimal point.
February 18, 2012
Modified to allow the user to input the specific heat ratio of the gas in question (gamma).
July 26, 2011
  • Corrected a roundoff error.
  • Updated to the latest versions of the underlying libraries.
  • Replaced Ostermiller Utils with Bare Bones Browser Launch.  Much smaller footprint for the one feature I was using (launching a web browser).
  • Ported the program over to the JScience package.
  • Modernized the code and improved error messages.
  • Developed a new application icon.
  • Program no longer requires an installer on Windows or Linux.
  • Program now requires Java 1.5 or later.
October 29, 2008
Fixed a bug that prevented the program from running on newer versions of MacOS X.  Increased the accuracy of the shock angle solutions output (by tightening the tolerance on the equation solvers used).
April 30, 2005
Fixed a bug in the calculation of the cone to upstream static pressure ratio (Pc/Pinf).
November 7, 2004

First public release of the Supersonic Cone program and it's source code.

Created: November 7, 2004
Modified: February 5, 2025