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1976 Standard Atmosphere Program

Revision History



Began tracking the revision history for this program. This release (1.1.4) fixed a bug with the "Clear" button not clearing everything. Also picks up new versions of some underlying libraries and adds support for MacOS X application bundles for resource storage.

May 22, 2002

Minor code cleanups in preperation for the 1st public release of the source code.

Oct. 20, 2003
Improved ability to find required image resources on various platforms.  Can now only enter numbers in text fields (text is validated as entered).  Picked up latest versions of underlying libraries with numerous small improvements.
May 1, 2004
No significant functional changes for Windows & Unix users.  Picked up new low level libraries that make the program better behaved on MacOS X.  It is now difficult to tell this program appart from a native MacOS X program.
May 22, 2004
Ver. 1.3.1
Switched to a new installer program that will work under Windows XP.  No other significant changes.
July 5, 2006
Ver. 1.3.2
Updated to new versions of underlying libraries fixing some minor user interface glitches.  Added pop-up descriptions for each parameter.
January 27, 2008
Ver. 1.3.3
Fixed a bug with MacOS X 10.5 and picked up some minor improvements to underlying libraries.
July 30, 2011
Ver. 1.4.0
This is a minor update that modernizes much of the code base, changes the package used for units, and fixes a number of user interface bugs.  This is also the first release that does not require an installer on Windows and Linux/UNIX.
February 18, 2012
Ver. 1.5.0
Updated to extend the altitude range for the atmosphere model from the previous limit of 86 km to a new limit of 1000 km. Above 1000 km, it is recommended that the values at 1000 km be used.
June 30, 2012
Ver. 1.5.1
Fixed a bug that prevented the user from entering a number that started with a minus sign or decimal point.
February 8, 2014
Ver. 1.6.0
This update adds support for saving atmosphere parameters to a file and reading them back in. This allows the user to save off a set of inputs and recall them at a later time. This version now requires Java 1.6 or later.
June 17, 2015
Ver. 1.6.1
This update fixes a serious bug in the calculation of temperature and pressure at altitudes between 120 and 500 km that resulted in erroneous results in that altitude range.
October 9, 2020
Ver. 1.6.2
Fixed a bug with an underlying library (MRJAdapter) that wasn't compatible with recent versions of Java (Java 15 in particular).
December 9, 2023
Ver. 1.6.3
Modified to remove the seriously out of date MRJAdapter and Bare Bones Browser Launcher libraries and replaced them with the now standard java.awt.Desktop class.
Modified MacOS application bundle to work better on modern versions of MacOS.
Added ability on MacOS to open save files by the user double-clicking on the save file itself.
The MacOS version has a Java 11 compatible JRE bundled with the application (you do not need to have Java installed to run this version).
December 14, 2023
Ver. 1.6.4
Fixed a but on on-MacOS platforms that was introduced with the last update.
April 13, 2024
Ver. 1.6.5
Fixed a bug where setting dynamic pressure to a very small value and Mach number to large values would fail to give the correct altitude.
February 5, 2025
Ver. 1.6.5b
Fixed an issue with running on MacOS 15.1. Other OS versions are unchanged.

Created: May 20, 2002
Modified: February 5, 2025